Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Prayer and the Importance of Prefaces(written by Maysam Ghasemi)

In the Name of God As we've been created for eternity and we are going to finnish this life,we should take supplies for afterlife.According to the holy Quran and traditiion the most necessary provision for everyone's afterlife will be the "justifuied prayer". Based on the verses of the holy Quran and tradition a justified prayer is the one wich is said with presence of mind and to have presence of mind while saying prayers we should do the prefaces of prayer such as taking ablution , saying supperogatory prayers and Azan & Eghamah with presence of mind to be able to say the main prayers this way nevertheless we find ourselves praying and thinking to everything and everyone eccept for God. The first step of prefaces of the prayer in which we should have presence of mind, is taking ablution.The final goal of inacting this deed as a preface of prayer is not just clarity while praying but also it's been ordered to remind us the incidents of the day of judgment and to make us ask for something that we need for that day from God ; the day in which some faces are blackened and some are whitened as a sign of being hellish and paradisical. Some people are given their deeds' report cards to their right hands and others are given to their left hands as a sign of being paradisical and hellish . Some people are allowed to pass the "Serat Bridge" to the paradise while others' feet slip and they fall from there to the hell , based on theirown deeds on the earth . And when we remember these devine promises we naturally ask God to whiten our faces that day while washing our faces and to give us our deeds' report cards to our right hands while washing our right hands and not to give them to our left hands that day while washing our left hands . And to make us tight not to fall to the hell while passing the bridge and to let us enter the paradise that day while wetting our heads and feet . such an ablution would be an eligible preface for prayer and can prepare us to pray . The next step of prefaces in wich we should have presence of mind in order to perform the main prayer with the same quality is saying superogatory prayers which was obligatory to the prophet Mohammad (P.P.U.H) and an emphasized recommended one for us . The prescription of this prayer is saying a "two units prayer" before the morning prayer and four "two units prayer" before the noon and the afternoon prayer and two "two units prayer" after the evening prayer stood and a "two units prayer" after vespers seated. If you could succeed to have presence of mind while saying these thirty four units of prayer (counting the last one as a one unit prayer) , then you are prepared to keep it while saying the main obligatory seventeen units of prayer. The last step of prefaces of prayer in wich we should have presence of mind is saying "Azan & Eghamah". When you profess truly that the God is the greatest for ten times and there is no devinity except for God for seven times and when you invite people to the prayer and introduce it as the salvation and the best deed for four times by shouting Azan & Eghamah you are notifying you and others that you are going to talk to the highest existent - God - with the best means - prayer - which is performed with presence of mind. Although the main prayer and its prefaces such as taking ablution, saying superogatory prayers and Azan & Eghamah with presence of mind are good suplies for afterlife even with the attention of earning the paradise and avoiding the hell , I think based on a story from Amir-ol- moemenin (P.B.U.H) the best slaves pray their master with presence of mind just in order to earn his satisfaction, the way which deserves him and will definitly imply the same result and will bring them near the God in the paradise and will avoid them from the hell and evil.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Important message of Ashora

The evidences before Ashora are useful.
The people of Kofeh invited Imam HOSSAIN (p.b.u.h.) till comes into Kofeh, Imam accepted but before his trip, he sent one of his friend, Mouslem Ebne Aghil for searching the conditions of those society. Mouslem stayed at home of Hany.Hany made a plan for killing Ebne Zyad.hany wana terror Ebne Zyad by Mouslem but while Mouslem knew this plan he became angry and did not terror him.
Mouslem showed all the people that Islam is against of violence.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Prayer and the Importance of Prefaces(written by Maysam Ghasemi)

In the Name of God As we've been created for eternity and we are going to finnish this life,we should take supplies for afterlife.According to the holy Quran and traditiion the most necessary provision for everyone's afterlife will be the "justifuied prayer". Based on the verses of the holy Quran and tradition a justified prayer is the one wich is said with presence of mind and to have presence of mind while saying prayers we should do the prefaces of prayer such as taking ablution , saying supperogatory prayers and Azan & Eghamah with presence of mind to be able to say the main prayers this way nevertheless we find ourselves praying and thinking to everything and everyone eccept for God. The first step of prefaces of the prayer in which we should have presence of mind, is taking ablution.The final goal of inacting this deed as a preface of prayer is not just clarity while praying but also it's been ordered to remind us the incidents of the day of judgment and to make us ask for something that we need for that day from God ; the day in which some faces are blackened and some are whitened as a sign of being hellish and paradisical. Some people are given their deeds' report cards to their right hands and others are given to their left hands as a sign of being paradisical and hellish . Some people are allowed to pass the "Serat Bridge" to the paradise while others' feet slip and they fall from there to the hell , based on theirown deeds on the earth . And when we remember these devine promises we naturally ask God to whiten our faces that day while washing our faces and to give us our deeds' report cards to our right hands while washing our right hands and not to give them to our left hands that day while washing our left hands . And to make us tight not to fall to the hell while passing the bridge and to let us enter the paradise that day while wetting our heads and feet . such an ablution would be an eligible preface for prayer and can prepare us to pray . The next step of prefaces in wich we should have presence of mind in order to perform the main prayer with the same quality is saying superogatory prayers which was obligatory to the prophet Mohammad (P.P.U.H) and an emphasized recommended one for us . The prescription of this prayer is saying a "two units prayer" before the morning prayer and four "two units prayer" before the noon and the afternoon prayer and two "two units prayer" after the evening prayer stood and a "two units prayer" after vespers seated. If you could succeed to have presence of mind while saying these thirty four units of prayer (counting the last one as a one unit prayer) , then you are prepared to keep it while saying the main obligatory seventeen units of prayer. The last step of prefaces of prayer in wich we should have presence of mind is saying "Azan & Eghamah". When you profess truly that the God is the greatest for ten times and there is no devinity except for God for seven times and when you invite people to the prayer and introduce it as the salvation and the best deed for four times by shouting Azan & Eghamah you are notifying you and others that you are going to talk to the highest existent - God - with the best means - prayer - which is performed with presence of mind. Although the main prayer and its prefaces such as taking ablution, saying superogatory prayers and Azan & Eghamah with presence of mind are good suplies for afterlife even with the attention of earning the paradise and avoiding the hell , I think based on a story from Amir-ol- moemnin (P.B.U.H) the best slaves pray their master with presence of mind just in order to earn his satisfaction, the way which deserves him and will definitly imply the same result and will bring them near the God in the paradise and will avoid them from the hell and evil

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Islam Encourages Science

Islam is the religion of reason and conscience. For understanding this fact we can search the sources of Islam, I mean Holy Quran and what the Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, said.
The Prophet of Islam enjoined people to acquire knowledge. He even stressed that it is our obligation to search for knowledge like these sentences:
Seeking of knowledge is incumbent upon every Muslim.
Acquire the knowledge and impart it to the people.
In the Quran, God calls on people to reflect upon and examine the signs of creation around them, like these following verses:
"Do they not look at the sky above them? How we have made it and adorned it, and there are no flaws in it? And the earth to be observed and commemorated by every devotee turning, and We send down from the sky rain charged with blessing, and We produce therewith gardens and grain for harvest; And tall palm trees, with shoots of fruit-stalks, piled one over another" (Chapter Qaf: 6-10)

"He who created the seven heavens one above another: No want of proportion will you see in the creation of most gracious. So turn your vision again: do you see any flaw?" (Chapter al-Mulk: 3)

"Now let man but think from what he is created!" (Chapter at-Tariq: 5)

"Do they not look at the Camels, how they are made? And at the Sky, how it is raised high? And at the mountains, how they are fixed firm? And at the Earth, how it is spread out." (Chapter al-Ghashiyah: 17-20)

As the above verses make clear, God summons mankind to study and examine various aspects of the world, such as the heavens, rain, plants, animals, birth and geographical landmarks. The way to explore these is through science.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Main Sources of the Emergence of Civilizations

Of the many factors that spur the emergence, rise, and demise of civilizations, two are fundamental: the dynamism of the human mind and the concomitant surfacing of new need necessities in human life.
The human mind is instinctively active, perpetually driven by a burning curiosity that confronts a never-ending chain of new questions to which it must find answers, or it will not rest or be content. But once a discovery is made, the new answers bring to view an untested world replete with new questions, an eternal cyclical process.
At the same time, humans strive to fulfill their material needs, which, beckons them to seek greater mastery over the natural world through invention and innovation. The combination of the will to dominate nature and the will to create alters the material and psychological make up of the human world, and this creates new needs and necessities.
The dynamism of the human constitution and the resulting search for answers to pressing questions or needs spurs a constant transformation of the human historical consciousness. And the same two fundamental qualities of humans that underpin the inevitability of change are also the cause of the emergence and decline of civilizations. While other human, social, and natural factors slow down or accelerate the coming, going and interchange of civilizations, the desire and need for change is the most important in this regard.
Every civilization is based on a specific world-view which is itself shaped by a people's idiosyncratic historical experience. For as long as the existing world view successfully addresses the fundamental questions and needs of a community, it remains intact. But when the collective consciousness and soul of a People outgrows the limitations of the existing civilization, the search for new ideas begins in earnest, of the taking the form of turning to other civilizations for clues. This is the secret of the emergence, flourishing and fall of all civilizations.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Islam is the religion of peace, not terror

The best way of understanding a religion is to study its divine source. So for knowing that Islam is a religion of peace of terror, we should study the Quran as the most important Islamic divine source.
The Quran revealed to people as a guide to the true path and God commands man to adopt good morals. This morality is based upon concepts such as love, compassion, tolerance and mercy. The word "Islam" is derived from the word meaning "peace" in Arabic. Islam is a religion revealed to mankind with the intention of presenting a peaceful life through which the infinite compassion and mercy of God manifest on earth. God calls all people to Islamic morals through which compassion, mercy, peace and tolerance can be experienced all over the world. In Chapter 2 verse 208, God addresses believers as follows:
"O You who believe! Enter absolutely into peace (Islam).Do not follow in the Footsteps of Satan. Hi is an outright enemy to you."
As the verse makes clear, security can only be ensured by entering into Islam, that is living by the values of the Quran. The values of the Quran hold a Muslim responsible for treating all people, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, kindly and justly, protecting the needy and the innocent and preventing the dissemination of mischief. Mischief comprises all forms of anarchy and terror that remove security, comfort and peace. As God say in Chapter 2, verse 205: "God does not love corruption."
Murdering a person for no reason is one of the most obvious examples of mischief, and Quran do not let Muslims do that because God in Chapter 5, verse 32, revealed to Jews in the Old Testament thus:
"…If someone kills another person it is as if he had murdered all mankind. And if anyone gives life to another person, it is as if he had gives life to all mankind."
In Chapter 42, verse 42, God mention that the cruel people will be punished: "There are only grounds against those who wrong people and act as tyrants in the earth without any right to do so. Such people will have a painful punishment."
So all these reveal that organizing acts of terror against innocent people is utterly against Islam and it is unlikely that any Muslim could ever commit Such crimes. On the contrary, Muslims are responsible for stopping these people, removing mischief on earth and bringing peace and security to all people all over the world. Islam con not be reconciled with terror. Just the contrary, it should be the solution to and the path to the prevention of terror.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

quran teaching book

In the name of God

We are Muslim and our teaching book is Holy Quran.
The Holy Quran is not only for the Muslim it is for all human being as a Guidance also it used as a Miracle of my prophet Mohammad and we have an expand discussion on this subject in Quranic field sines.